
I loved this manager!


I was working in a financial institution call center, taking inbound calls

I get a customer on the line who wasn’t verified, so I asked her for her name and account number, please.

\*big sigh from customer\*

My name is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and my account number is onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten. At the speed of light which made it impossible to type in.

I apologize! I didn’t catch the account number. Can you give it to me one more time?

Customer proceeds to do the same thing.

I’m sorry, Ms. \_\_\_\_\_\_. Can you give me that a little slower, so I can type it into the computer accurately?

\*bigger sigh from customer\*

OK. Onnnneee…….tooooooo….thareeee……four….five….sixxxxxx….seven…..eight….nine….ten! Every number more drawn out and louder as the last one.

Thank you! I appreciate your repeating that number for me!

She then proceeds to talk to me in the same drawn out voice, like she is dealing with #1 idiot of the world while she told me her issue.

Thing is? One of our metrics was that we were supposed to match the customer’s speed of speech and pace of their conversation. So, I did.

Well…..lets….take…a….look…at…the…account..and…see…what…is….happening…here. Not as drawn out as she did, but still slower than I generally talk.

She immediately explodes and wants a manager (who didn’t see that one coming) and so I got my favorite manager on the line and explained the situation to him. He didn’t take much baloney from the customers. He told me he’d take the call and to patch her over. I did and stayed on the line for a couple of seconds, to close out her account page.

My manager: Hello…..this….is……\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. How….may….I…help…you?

Gotta love that guy!


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How DARE we make sure her kid doesn’t starve

Ma’am that department isn’t open on Saturday