
Came back in today after my day off


I have felt off ever since I came back into work. I have been on a roll up until I called in yesterday. My calls today my mind has been blank and it is scaring me. When I was gone for just one day, there was little things sent out regarding aht and quality and the new process we have. I confided in one of my friends that I have been struggling with my aht and that they have been putting more work on us. My friend said they probably fired a bunch of people and kept the good ones including me. My mind just feels blank today and I haven’t been remembering the processes. My AHT has been slipping slightly and my QA is still good, but I can feel the pressure. The friend I confided in said not to be a wuss and keep this job until I find a new one and I can’t just call in like I did yesterday ( I never call in). I’m at a crossroads. I am a good worker, but I think this job is starting to take a toll. I was fine up until yesterday, maybe I just have to get back in the groove. I told my friend if they fire me, I can find another job. I know it would be hard to fire me because I am a good employee but I feel word now. Today I have been doing the best I can but it was not the same effort I was putting in as before. The QA and adherence is supposed to be at 97%. I like this job, but I’m not going to live up to the expectations anymore. What do I need to do next? I think I’m starting to feel burned out, but I need to start job searching before anything happens. I did get a kudos on a call on Tuesday. I don’t know what to do or think at this point….


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My coworker just told me, “I wish you could as sociable as you are on Reedit” I appreciate her

I had a really shitty call today and it’s playing on my mind.