
How is everyone doing? Mentally, physically, emotionally?


I work at a rather large company and get yelled at 95% of the calls that I answer and I’m exhausted. I took this job as a transition job until I could find something else and I have no idea how people do this for longer than 3-4 months. I take getting yelled at very well and never attach emotionally to it, but I’m so tired of almost every call for 8 hours having to fix problems like it’s life or death for the customer, I get off work and don’t want to do anything. I’m working out my notice right now and start a new job soon and I’m so excited to be as far away from customer service as possible.

My team has turnover every two weeks or so and then the new team of trainees come in until they start to leave and it has me thinking that the people that I work with are not doing so well, especially since we are all remote and can feel on an island. I know if I feel this way then someone else probably does as well. So, how is everyone doing?


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Self-Defeating Callers