
Callers Failing Verification


This happened a few years ago, however I recently found this subreddit and feel that I need to vent/ask if I’m the crazy one.

I’m not sure if callers passing or failing verification in other industries is as strict, however for Canadian banks, it is very regulated.

I’ve had this issue with my manager, her manager, directors, hr and the staff ombudsman’s office, none of whom help me. It’s really out of hand.

After working for said bank for over fifteen years, my manager (who I’ve had for a few years) decided that the amount of callers who fail verification when they speak with me is excessive and something _has_ to be done.

There’s no way that I would have done this, however I asked if she wanted me to accept incorrect answers to security questions (ie: dob, mmn, employer etc.) and she says no. We’re also (obviously?) unable to verify a caller if someone is answering the questions in the background or if the caller’s voice is older/younger than the client.

All of a sudden there are different rules for me than all of my other (hundreds in our centre, thousands across the company) colleagues. For the record, if I gave out account details without verifying the customer, which I’ve never done, I would be fired. If a caller fails verification, they need to be referred to their local branch for verification with id.

It all makes logical sense. Don’t compromise customer’s accounts and/or give out personal information.

Our bank’s written policy is that a caller’s not a customer until they’re verified. That’s what they have in writing, however in practice it became very different.

My manager however decided that for me and me alone (literally, in the entire bank), that anytime a caller can’t be verified, that I need to find her _no matter where she is and what she’s doing_. So if it’s a son calling on his grandfather’s account, an elderly mother calling for her almost elderly son, a wife calling on her husband’s account or even just the run of the mill caller who fails verification, I need to get her no matter what.

I’m not sure what it’s like in other industries, however unless a person has a power of attorney listed on file with the bank, no one else can have access to your account under any circumstances.

So starting from day one, I start having customers (at least one and often times a few) who fail verification for various reasons. When I get my manager, instead of transferring the call to her desk and her phone line, she comes over to my desk, takes my headset (pre-covid, but still not cool) and ‘verifies’ every single caller using my computer and user id, even though the caller actually isn’t the customer. This went on for quite a while until it finally fizzled out.

It’s so messed up. I felt like calling the actual account holders to let them know that their account’s been compromised by my manager and who ever called in, however I was never allowed to.

The messed up thing is that the manager, her manager, directors etc. all still work there. It’s so F’d. I did everything in my power by reporting it to HR and the staff ombudsman’s office, but nothing was done.

I imagine it’s unlikely, but has anyone else ever experienced something similar/an F’d up situation that just doesn’t make any sense?


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