
speeding is bad… for you?


So as we all know I work for an emergency roadside assistance company in the U.S. we tow your car and change your tires etc.

One day I get an anonymous call, which is not super common.

Me: answers phone ” hello this is ____ with company how can I help you?”

Anonymous Caller: so I was on highway about 4 minutes before I got home, and I saw one of your vehicles speeding. Highway is 55 mph and your guy was going at least 81. Now I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I was going 80 myself and he was ahead of me so I could tell.

Me: apologizes, asks if he has indenitifying information (spoiler alert, he does not)

AC: He’s in one of your trucks on the highway heading in the same direction as me at about 4 minutes before I got home around 4 pm but I got off before him so I don’t have a plate or an exact time for you. You should be able to track him and know exactly who it is. Speeding is incredibly unsafe and you don’t want someone who breaks the law to represent yout company. Like it’s bad enough that I was speeding, but your driver doing it is unacceptable.

Me: I’m so sorry sir, yes I completely understand why speeding is bad. Can I get your membership number so I can put in this complaint on your behalf.

AC: no, I’m anonymous for a reason. I was also speeding. You need to get this to his boss so he can be trained better. I mean. He was speeding. I was speeding. Everyone on the road was speeding. Going at least 80 in a 55. But your guy represents your company and that’s unacceptable.

Me: yes, I definitely agree sir. I’m going to report this information to (boss who won’t be able to do anything except send out a mass email because this dude really did not give enough information) and it will be handled.

AC: proceeds to berate me for about 5 more minutes about how people should have more respect for a company they’re representing… but you know. I don’t want this man to lose his job. I was going faster than him for most of the drive, the speed of traffic was just too fast, but as a representative of company he needs to follow the speed limit…don’t put this on my account, i dont want to be associated with this call *hangs up*


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