
I just talked to the call centre final boss


He did all the things.

Tell him to give you a second? “iTs bEeN a sEcOnD.”

“…was received o-“ “WHEN WAS IT RECEIVED” (for the entire 40 minute call)

“Are you finished yet, [name]?” “[Name], please do not take long to review.”

“No do not put me on hold! Just answer my question!” “Sir, I need to place you on hold in order to get you that information.” “Do NOT put me on hold!” “…” “why have you not gotten the answer yet??” “I need to place you on hold to get it.” “Oh, okay.”

“The claim number is XYZ” (later) “wHaT iS tHe cLaIm nUmBeR??”

My favourite part of the whole call though was when I was trying to quickly review the 2 claims to see which was the duplicate since he got mad whenever I told him their information. It had only been long enough for me to take 3 breaths when I get, “[Name], why are you not finished reviewing??” I roll my eyes and take a deep breath. “Sir, I understand that you are frustrated, but I do need a moment to review these claims to get you the most accurate information. Do you still only want the information for the paid one?” “ONE DENIED??!?!?” … “what is the appeals address?” “I can give that to you, but wouldn’t you like to hear about the paid version of this claim first?” “No! Appeals address!” … “do you want to hear about the paid version of that claim before you go?” “NO!”

Imagine the appeals team looking over his appeal for a duplicate claim…


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Unemployment is a broken system

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