
Clients who do gross things while on the phone..


Why! You have a mute button if you need to blow your nose or go to the bathroom. If you have to go to the bathroom, why not do so before or after the call? There are few cases where I can think it would be that urgent.. if so just hang up on me lol.

I just had a 25 minute call with a client who needed help with a form. It was annoying enough because he felt the need to read every word of each section and then ask what he should put for the information. Things like his name, social, etc.. “what should I put there?”.. ummm?

But that I can deal with. It was the several times he snorted/sucked his snot down the back of his throat. Loudly. Clearly without even moving away the phone from his mouth. Just gross. I find it so rude. It’s definitely a pet peeve.

What’s the worst/most disgusting thing someone has done while on the phone with you?


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