
“I was told not to call anymore but I’m calling anyway”


Just got this call. C: customer. Me: me.

Me: *picks up* Hi how can I help you?

C: Mr. Smith??!!

Me: … I-I’m sorry, can you say that again?

C: I need to talk to Mr. Smith. Is this Mr. Smith?

Me: No.

C: I need to talk to Mr. Smith.

Me: What did you need to talk to him about?

C: I had an appointment with him and he told me my application went through but then my wife got a letter saying she needed to apply but he told us she didn’t need to apply.

Me: (still processing what he said because he said it quickly and all in one breath) Okay, so does she need to apply or you already submitted the application?

C: She doesn’t need to apply.

Me: (Not sure what to tell them) O…okay…?

C: Mr. Smith told me not to call anymore because it was done but I got this letter so I called him and he said not to call anymore but I’m calling to talk to him.

Me: …..Okay, well I’ll send you over to Mr. Smith’s extension.

I sent him off. Literally didn’t know how else to help this dude and our queue was building fast. But, I mean, if you were told to not call anymore why are you calling? He said he already spoke to Mr. Smith about this letter so why is he asking about it again?


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