
Per the last message


So you know there’s that joke you should never text a guy a long paragraph or multiple questions because he’ll only ever respond to ONE thing? Well, it happened at my work today.

I work in a call center that makes appointments for diagnostic testing. We have a text system that we can type out text messages to send to patients from their charts. It has a little annoyance that if a patient responds to a message, 7 out of 10 times it will go back to the first person that messaged the patient about that specific exam, and not the person who actually texted them.

So today I received a random message “I didn’t cancel this!”
So I open the chart (an order number is attached to the message on our end automatically) to read the previous message. It was from our verification department. The person had detailed out that the appointment was canceled, why we canceled it, and how to get rescheduled and our number to call if they had questions. So all this guy responded to was the first line.

Feeling petty, I replied to his message, “Per the last message” and copy pasted the previous text. He never replied.


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“I expect you to to pick up in 30 seconds!”

“I’m just so upset”