
Karen supplier wants to talk to the manager

So, we had a call today that my 2IC took. The caller wants to be a supplier. The thing is, a number of months ago, we did an analysis of our suppliers and cut a number that just weren’t making the mark. We’ve revisited the figures every 6 months and we are really happy with what we have decided.

My 2IC tells them that we are not interested in them becoming a supplier and our policy is not to take on any new suppliers and that we are not interested in them contact us in x months.

2IC explains this by email. By return, she gets a Karen email from the supplier who literally demands that 2IC puts her in touch with the manager to ‘discuss your decision with me’.

Er …. it’s our decision and I don’t need to discuss it with you because I don’t want to spend 20 minutes with you on the phone telling me how I need to take you on. I get suppliers calling 2 or 3 times a week and they proceed to tell me that I have to take them on. When I say no, they actually raise their voice to me and demand I do it. Now I refuse to take their calls or talk with them. My 2IC and I have a standard email we send out telling that it’s a hard no.

What annoys me the most is they want to sell me something and seem to think it’s ok to get nasty, raise their voice and tell me how I’m the one that is wrong for not doing business with them.

And the response to anyone who raises their voice to me? They are politely told wind their neck in or the call will be ended.

I had one of my current suppliers get upset with my answering service because all our lines were busy (dealing with our customers) and they told our answering service that if we didn’t change our practices and take their calls, then they will have to ‘consider if they want to work with’ us. You know what the answer to that one will be

submitted by /u/lizziebee66
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Get the hell off my line, would you?