
Update on the duelling managers

I’m off today (thank freaking GOD, after yesterday’s epic clusterfuck of territorial tree pissing), but my phone rang with a work number.

I had that initial moment of dread (“if I answer the phone, they’re going to ask me to come in to work, and I’ll say yes, because I’m a people pleasing sucker like that”), but answered it, because apparently I enjoy suffering.

Surprise! It’s both my managers, contritely apologizing for their behaviour yesterday. They had a post meeting meeting yesterday after I’d left, and realized that THEIR lack of ability to work together amicably is not MY shit to deal with. They’ve promised to do better going forward, gave me a documented chain of command process to follow if their instructions clash in the future, and generally acted as if they’d both simultaneously donned big boy panties overnight.

It’s a (non denominational holiday of your choice) miracle!

Added bonus, I made really nice chocolate muffins. And I’m back to fully work from home for a full month!

submitted by /u/AuntySocialite
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I almost broke down yesterday so I decided to leave and never come back…

Getting personal….