
I almost broke down yesterday so I decided to leave and never come back…

I honestly feel like a huge cloud of dark fog has cleared from my head and brain, I worked at this cc for A year and 8months and I’ve finally decided that enough was enough and walked straight out of there. Doesn’t matter about the pay or some of the cool people i met in there, if I feel like my mental health is deteriorating and I feel depressed as soon as I step foot into that office I need to get out of there ASAP. I had enough of being told I was spending too much time in the toilet, spending too much time in aftercall work, not being polite to customers even though they’re calling me a arsehole, a cunt threatening to get me fired. I still have to act “professional” well fuck that cc and I’ll never EVER work in one again, I decided to walk out without telling anyone, I left my headset there and my status on ready because I couldn’t care less and I just headed out the door. Good luck to all the people out there who are still in this trap you can get out soon and as soon as you do you will wonder to yourself why you didn’t do this sooner.

submitted by /u/PieStandard6243
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