
Why do customers like to do the complete opposite of what you say?

Without doubt, I always get a few customers each day that seem to live wasting their own time. I dont get it? This always happens with referrals to manufacturers or other companies for example, the call will go like this:


“Hello this is ME from xyz how can I help you”

“Hi. I have THIS problem and I need to fix it”

me after investigating the issue “Okay, the best way to move forward would be to contact xyz company as we cannot action this request due to xyz reason”

SHOCKED PIKACHU FACE “…wait… so I have to contact xyz?”

“Yes that is correct”

“I dont understand”

explains what I explained before

“So… I need to contact xyz”


customer explains problem again

“I understand your problem, but unfortunately I don’t have the resources to help you. You need to contact xyz company”

Then either the customer will do:

customer sad face, “ohhh okay then” Or ANGRY PHONE SLAM

Why do customers want to waste their time like this? Like bitch ive already told you 373738 times I can’t help you. Why can’t you accept that?

submitted by /u/notforthisworld0101
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