
I’ve been missing so much work

I’ve voluntarily been missing so much work. The pay is adequate, but trying to work and go to college at the same time is probably the most stressful thing I’ve done. Especially when my job is at a call center and I dread every second of it. Some days are pretty chill and not so bad, but other days… my brain is fried and every customer I helped was a miserable twat waffle. I’ve grown a pretty thick skin to their insults, but their bad moods impact mine and by the end of the day, I’ve given up. I daydream about quitting my job. By there’s not another place that pays as well and works around a college schedule with benefits. And in the middle of a pandemic, I lucked out. But this job……. takes such a tole on my mental health that my wellbeing is rapidly declining. I don’t drink or turn to drugs as forms of release or anything. I am merely exhausted (even though I sit all day) and can’t handle the world around me, as though all of my senses kick into overdrive and I’m in complete agony just existing. So, I use up my pto and call in. I had a four day weekend recently and even then, with college, I feel like I didn’t devote a single second of my time to relaxation. I’m procrastinating my homework more and more (I’m a straight A student, but I get SO distracted my literally anything else when I crack open a text book). Call center veterans… how do you cope?

submitted by /u/fatassclass
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Why don’t agents warn you when the customer is upset?!

Well, you should ask one of your 15,000 friends.