
Want to rant at me without an account? No thank you.

I work at a internetty place where folks get domains and hosting and whatnot for websites and this guy called in asking about policies.

I’m not going to do a transcript until the end because the dude was incomprehensible talking about how some places charge xyz and introductory discounts while other places charge abc. He went into a tyrade about insurance companies for some reason and how it’s all a scam and we’re a scam.

Dude was just rambling on and on and on for a full 15 minutes. When I asked if he had a specific question, he’d ask a vague question and then ramble another 3 minutes when I answered it to the best of my ability.

I work a sales-based job. There’s a queue. There is money in that queue. This dude is costing me money.

Eventually I get fed up.

“Sir, I know you don’t have an account, but I’d be happy to get you set up with one and get you into a hosting package that works for your needs. Otherwise, I hope you have a great night.”

“Fck you” *click

Never have I been so happy to be cursed at.

submitted by /u/Cylys
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