
Well I’m going to the FTC about this, you’re required by law to help me!

Covid has people wilding. Our customer service is down and my line is one of the few that’s open because we have a contract with a partner that they have a direct line to my department. Normally that’s fine but they give that number out like it’s candy to customers that want general CS. In comes this customer, asking about his transaction history and how things don’t add up. I used to be in CS and I know it’s pointless telling these people they don’t understand basic math and these calls always take 20+ minutes, and I was supposed to get off in 10 so I’m not sticking around for this, especially since it isn’t my job to.

C: “You need to tell me where this money went, you can’t just blow me off”

M: “I’m not blowing you off, sir, I want to direct you to our customer service because they are the ones that can help you figure out what happened here. You will need to log in to your account to start a chat”

C: “I tried that five days ago they never responded!”

Okay I know they take like 2 hours or more to respond but the do respond. Plus I can see if you have an open chat request and you don’t, so someone responded or you didn’t send one.

M: “I understand it’s not convenient but customer service has to help you with this, and they don’t have a phone number right now for you to call”

C: “But I was just talking to customer service and they said I needed to talk to security!”

M: “Sir, you were transferred from [Partner] customer service. I’m sorry they misled you and said we could do this for you. You can contact our customer service, and thet may take an hour or two to respond, but I promise they will be able to help you with this.”

I know, there I go promising him someone else would fix it, but I eluded to work that queue, it’s easy to understand but a rough call to take, and a chat is only worse I imagine… But not allowed to take those calls anymore, not that I want to anyways.

C: “If you’re not going to help me I’m calling the FTC! You are legally responsible for telling me where my money went!”

Dude, we’ve got multiple channels of contact for you, and we’re not required to do that. No business is legally obligated to offer support unless it’s under a warranty or in your contact. We don’t have either of those, so go complain to the FTC, I’m done with you.

We spent only a few more moments of me explaining I couldn’t help him, and that he was free to go to chat for answers. He wasn’t happy but hey I don’t get surveys and I didn’t do anything wrong aside from being direct in my final response of “Phone service is not available for your request, you can go to chat or you can figure out your issue yourself”. He wasn’t excessively swearing at least, but the entitlement some people have… I’m amazed when I think about how our company doesn’t have a customer service outside of North America, that people just figure things out themselves.

submitted by /u/FundFriend115
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