
The vacuum and you are abusing me.

Well hi. I just came here to post for the first time… Happens that I recently had a call from a female customer. I do the greeting and then I get a horrible, loud and unintelligible cry. Politely I told the customer that she was too close to the microphone (for not saying yell at) and that if she can repeat what she said. Well, the call was basically the next thing:

unintelligible sounds is abusing me

Hearing that put me on guard. On my CC, we don’t have a protocol for something like that, so I ask “Are you okay? Who is abusing you?”


I was totally like “Wtf?” and asked her “What do you mean I’m abusing you?”

So the rest of the call was her saying “IT’S never gonna eeeeend. You are not using words to abuse meeeee. This vacuum is abusing meeeee” but for being clear, it was not an upsead scream… Was more like someone with mental issues.

Anyway, I managed to have some info, but it was impossible to talk so by policy I said a disconnect speech and hang up. Immediately reporting to my superiors who just listened the call and their faces were a big WTF?

By far the most eccentric story I had myself.

submitted by /u/LucioFer95
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