
Order numbers and why you should be kind to people you’re calling.

The amount of calls we get from people calling about orders and then not having the order number because ‘it’s in the phone I’m calling you with’

And then not wanting to give their postcode.

I’m not a damn mind-reader! I can’t find your order and then help you if I don’t know who you are!

On the plus side, today was hard. I’m saying hard at in, I had to take a five minute break to cry – and that never happens.

But this afternoon I had someone call who was close to reward and trying really hard not to get angry. She needed a replacement part for a bed. The part that had been sent was the wrong one. Normal protocol is ask for photos, resend the right part.

Not with her. She was acting so impatient, so annoying that I was getting close to just saying that I can’t break protocol, deal with it, when she burst into tears. She apologized for how she was acting and explained she’s just lost someone close to her. She knew it wasn’t my fault and she was sorry. She’s been sleeping in the floor, and the stress of trying to arrange a funeral and deal with that was breaking her. She was worried at having to wait so long to get the part in again. (We had none of the spares)

At that point I just dropped everything. I organised a pick up for the other items she had, and resent all three original boxes so she had a full bed on the way.

Best of all, I wasn’t in trouble for going against what we’d normally do, because I could explain why I did it. (We’re not a big company, but we’re not tiny) I’ve never heard anyone so happy before.

I made a joke when I signed off (and for the first time ever finished it with I love you, by mistake. I apologized PROFUSELY in the follow up email) and felt a little bit better about the crappy day

Please excuse my English, it’s not my first language

submitted by /u/_Potato_Cat_
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