
Can you look in your computer

I guess its expected since you can pull up their information to helo the customer, that you are an omnipotent being that can view all informatuon they need.

Little tidbit from earlier

Customer was asking about some information that was sent in a letter to him. He did not have the letter with him, but wanted to know the details.

Me: “im sorry sir, we can help you get that information if you dont have the letter for reference but i have to transfer you to our collections team.”

Cust: “well dont you have my account pulled up in front of you?”

Me: “yes sir i do”

Cust “well just look in your computer and give me the infornation.”

head and desk bashing intensifies*

Me: “well sir, the information that you are requesting is handled by an entirely different department, which i dont work for. So although i can see your account and help with almost everything, i cant help you with that need, unless you allow me to transfer you.”

Cust “So then you cant give me that, you cant look in your computer and tell me”

Me: “no sir”

Cust “then why am i talking to you for”


submitted by /u/CaptB97
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