
Customer ranting because the correct item was sent to the correct place

Edited to add: IDK how to flair on mobile, and there’s a TL/DR at the end.

I couldn’t believe what was happening, and had to repeat “upset because order was processed” to the transferring agent. First call of the day, no less.

This customer was steaming because they created an order and made two mistakes: first, typed the shipping name reversed (last first instead of first last); and used billing same as shipping.

What’s the big deal, you ask? Well, they called their card provider and the order had already been charged / shipped. Asked the provider “how could that be?” And the card provider said “umm ask the seller.”

So the purchaser calls.

Agent 1 says “our (internal) system shows (STUFF) matches the correct information.”

Customer: What?! That means my privacy and your website security have been compromised. This is a major issue. I need to speak to a supervisor.

Agent 2 takes call: umm I’m very sorry, we shipped your item, it’s too late to make changes.

Customer: Well I don’t know how this happened, and I need to understand how this happened, get me a supervisor.

Agent 2 transfers to me. So my part of the call goes a little something like this.

Customer: I ordered this and you .. you shipped it, even though I didn’t type in all the correct info.

Me: I see here my coworkers tried to explain. I apologize for any confusion. Can I ask if you shopped with us in the past?

C: Yes, but I .. used a different card number this time and .. hey, are you saying that the orders don’t get verified?

Me: What I’m trying to review, is whether you ordered with us before, and have a history of shopping with us. Our systems and software may process orders without having a human review each individual order and ..

C: This is unacceptable! You’re telling me I can just type any scribble and an order will get shipped?

Me: No, I’m not saying that. I’m explaining that if you shopped with us before, the systems may process your order.

C: According to my card provider, this means your security and process sucks! I’m never shopping with you again, gonna be shopping with acme for my fancy items next time.

Me: Again, my apologies. Depending on the previous history, our systems … hello?

Took down my headset, started ranting to myself about agent 1 discussing internal information.

TL/DR: a while back, customer ordered something to ship to the same address, with the correct information, and the website magically worked it out for this order. They were mad because we didn’t review the order and catch their typos.

submitted by /u/karibjerseygirl
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Weird Heartbreaking Call I Had [LONG POST]

Racist customer rant