
"I don’t want to hear ‘pending authorization!’"

I currently work as a temp for a company’s call center that subcontracts part of it’s call center to another company to handle call volume for one of it’s sales branches (let’s call them d3h)

Now D3H can place orders and answer basic questions but they can’t modify orders or get into the nitty gritty of things so when that happens they transfer to us at the main call center and tell the customers they’re going to talk to someone higher up. Yesterday I get a call from one of our agents and she let’s me know that this woman is irrate because she had placed an order over the weekend (Saturday) and thinks we’re double charging her because two authorization codes had been sent to her account (one for the failed online order, the second for the successful over the phone order) and because the D3H agent had only mentioned how our system sweeps for things and not her bank. Now I make a point when I explain these codes that our system drops codes every few hours but their bank might take a few Business days to process it on their end.

Well I get her on the line and she pretty much yells at me how we are all thieves and liars and how she had called her bank and it’s an actual transaction and not a code so I’m lying when I say it’ll come off and she wants her money back TODAY or she’s going to call the BBB and she’s worked in retail and this is not how it works! I manage to remain calm because I do NOT like being accused of stealling or lying and explain again that it is a code and we aren’t taking the second charge because there is NO order for that code, however I can get the code released I just need to get a fax number for her bank so I can send a secure fax to them to release the code now instead of through their processing. She then asks if I could be part of a conference call with her bank to get this whole thing done right then and I tell her I’d be glad to because I figured if I could tell the bank the situation they would back me up.

Long story somewhat shorter that’s exactly what happened. We get a banker and the customer ranted out her story and once I was able to speak I explained the real situation and my assumption that because it was an order placed on Saturday and it was a long weekend they, the bank, simply haven’t released the hold on the code my company said to drop. The banker confirms that’s EXACTLY what happened and that it would have fallen off naturally by the end of the day but that she could push it through. She did once I made sure she didn’t cancel the wrong one and then the lady was all happy.

Still didn’t apologize for calling us liars and thieves tho and that’s why I’m typing this out.

submitted by /u/longdragon92
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