
Nothing could have better prepared me for this job.

First time poster blah blah. I work in a roadside assistance call center, and honestly I’m so glad I found this subreddit. I get stories all the time, and of course people don’t really understand, but I know everyone here will.

So I’ve been a this company for… a year and a half now. I love this job, I got the great shift of 8am-4:30pm in the good department everyone wants to be in. Of course you don’t get stories like this every day, but you do get stories often.

My all time favorite story will always be one call back from a lady. Her car broke down and she needed a tow. Simple enough. Start setting it up, all the normal stuff, name, policy number for insurance, location, what kind of car, ect, ect. She’s telling me about how this guy stopped to help her and she got so startled when a truck passed by so close to the car she thought they were going to run over the guy who was looking under her car at the time they passed. He wasn’t and he was okay though, so nothing to overly worry about. So we get near the end and it goes like this:

Me: Will you need a ride home with the tow truck driver?

Cust: My husband is coming, he’s going to wait with the car. I need to go home.

Me: Absolutely not a prob-

Cust: I shit myself when that truck drove by. I really thought he was going to hit that nice young man that was helping me.

Me: ….

Cust: I really did. I need to get home and change my pants and shower. I’m so embarrassed.

Me: I’m very sorry to hear that ma’am, that’s absolutely not a problem, your husband can wait with the vehicle that’s fine.

Honestly had no clue how to handle that, I was just in shock the entire rest of the call. Got off the phone with her. Call one of our providers and ask for an ETA advise it’s just a tow that’s needed, vehicle stalled while driving, he asks for the customer’s name and number and location; which I give.

Driver: That’s my in law, I’ll be there in 20. I’ll give her a call now.

Didn’t warn him about the.. situation that lead to her may not being with the vehicle when he arrived. Wasn’t sure if I should or not. And to make this even better; this was the call that I got a live monitor on with the class I was being trained with. I felt so bad for that lady, but honestly nothing really could surprise me after that.

submitted by /u/nekosamachun
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